Township Manor Pennsylvania
Incorporated in 1849
"Built to Amaze"
Manor Township Fire Department

The Manor Township Supervisors are happy to provide the best fire and rescue protection available to us, for all Manor Township's Residents. We do this by contracting with the Manor Township Volunteer Fire Company which is an all volunteer 501(c)3 organization. The Manor Township Fire Company is the primary response company within Manor Township. However, you will more than likely see other qualified fire departments from surrounding municipalities, assisting at accident scenes and other incidents through reciprocal mutual aid agreements.
The fire department receives compensation equal to one(1) mill of tax. This amount is not nearly enough to cover the annual fire department expenses, but it does help. The remainder of the funding needed for the fire department is earned by the members through volunteer fundraisers like; ticket sales, banquets, gun bash's, roast beef dinners, etc.
The Manor Township Firefighters are required by contract to maintain a minimum level of training prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy and the National Fire Protection Standards. The firefighters of Manor Township Volunteer Fire Company are constantly training and dedicating their time to safety, vehicle extrication skills, fire suppression activities, and much more. The Majority of the firefighters possess a professional firefighter 1 certification (NFPA 1001 Standard) issued by the National Professional Qualifications Board and Vehicle Rescue Technician Certification issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
The Manor Township Fire Company members dedicate even more time to the community by participating in community events, and fire prevention week at the Lenape Elementary school. Teaching children and adults, how to interact with firefighters, emergency situations, and fire safety that could save their life.
WE NEED YOU! The Manor Township Volunteer Fire Company is always looking for new volunteers. If you are interested in learning new skills as a firefighter, or just want to help out with fundraisers, building maintenance or something else. Please step forward and get an application for membership. We could use your help. Follow the link below and print an application. Fill it out and give it to any fire department member.
163 Byron Street
P.O. Box 122
McGrann, Pa. 16236
(724) 763-1981